Young Lady Business Academy Revenue and Competitors
Estimated Revenue & Valuation
- Young Lady Business Academy's estimated annual revenue is currently $78.2M per year.
- Young Lady Business Academy's estimated revenue per employee is $278,300
Employee Data
- Young Lady Business Academy has 281 Employees.
- Young Lady Business Academy grew their employee count by 21% last year.
Young Lady Business Academy's People
Name | Title | Email/Phone |
Young Lady Business Academy Competitors & AlternativesAdd Company
Competitor Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding | Valuation |
#1 | $2.6M | 17 | -37% | N/A | N/A |
#2 | $30.4M | 120 | 21% | N/A | N/A |
#3 | $7.1M | 35 | 3% | N/A | N/A |
#4 | $15.9M | 70 | 4% | N/A | N/A |
#5 | $14.3M | 63 | -2% | N/A | N/A |
#6 | $11.8M | 52 | 8% | N/A | N/A |
#7 | $56.5M | 203 | 9% | N/A | N/A |
#8 | $78.2M | 281 | 21% | N/A | N/A |
#9 | $40.6M | 146 | -18% | N/A | N/A |
#10 | $112.6M | 356 | 29% | N/A | N/A |
What Is Young Lady Business Academy?
Voor jongedames die willen doen, durven en doorzetten. Droom jij ervan om later een succesvolle onderneemster, executive, zakenvrouw of politica te worden? Elske Doets, de ‘Zakenvrouw van het jaar 2017', heeft als missie om ‘Young Ladies' te inspireren en te motiveren om hun professionele droom na te gaan jagen! Voor pittige 'Young Ladies' van 15 t/m 25 jaar, alle schoolniveaus zijn welkom. De Academy is gratis en kom je van ver dan regelen wij een gastgezin.
Total Funding
Number of Employees
Revenue (est)
Employee Growth %
Young Lady Business Academy News
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Company Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding |
#1 | $35M | 607 | 7% | N/A |
#2 | $753.5M | 3166 | 14% | N/A |