Company Data API by Growjo

The Company API lets you look up company data based on domain. For example, you could retrieve a company’s name, location, employee count, yearly employee growth, estimated annual revenue, recent funding news, etc.

Note: The majority of our clients export our company & people data in bulk and then license this dataset out to their own customers. This makes their product faster and allows them to sell it to their end users as much as they like.

Growjo's company data API can do the following:
  • Get information about the company: You can look for businesses by name, type, region, size, and other factors. You can get to information like the website, contact details, financials, staff data, news stories, and more.
  • Improve current data: If your existing customer or prospect data is missing information, you can use the API to add it.
  • Automate jobs: By collecting and organizing company data automatically, you can speed up tasks like finding new leads, researching the market, and analyzing your competitors.
  • Create applications that are driven by data. Create platforms and tools that use company data to help people make smart choices, tailor their marketing, and get ahead of the competition.

HTTP Request


(Where company_url is the company’s root domain name)


The API response object looks like the following.

ranking: 845,
estimated_revenues: 15000000,
job_openings: 6,
company_name: "SalesLoft",
city: "Atlanta",
country: "United States",
state: "GA",
employees: 1534,
Employee Growth: 5%,
founded: 2011,
linkedin_url: "",
url: "",
industry: "SaaS",
total_funding: "$1.18B",
Accelerator: "TechStars",
LeadInvestors: "Vista Equity, Insight Venture Partners",
growjo_url: ""

Response Type

200Successful lookup, company encoded in the response body.
404Company were not found.

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