Beginning operations in late 2020, Andelyn Biosciences will be a Phase 3 compliant Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) clinical manufacturing facility producing gene therapy and cell-based products.
Andelyn Biosciencesᅢᄁ¬ツᆲ¬トᄁ unique business model leads to reinvestment into pioneering research conducted at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's on a broad range of challenges affecting childrenᅢᄁ¬ツᆲ¬トᄁs health.
Andelyn Biosciences Address
1180 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH United States
Andelyn Biosciences Email
Past Companies
Andelyn BiosciencesHead of Analytical Development
Andelyn BiosciencesQuality Control Manager
Nationwide Childrens HospitalQuality Control Manager - Clinical Manufacturing Facility