Care Design New York (CDNY) is a prospective Care Coordination Organization (CCO), which focuses on each person and their family. CDNY is made up of more than 60 agencies who currently support individuals with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families that have a rich experience of providing supports and services.
Care Design NY is committed to and driven by CORE VALUES including:
* Holistic, person-centered, and integrated system of care
* Continuity and access to supports and services for adults and children
* Responsive to changing needs
* Wellness and comprehensive health care management
* Personal choice and member satisfaction
Individuals and Families can expect that Care Design NY will deliver the following:
* Ensure that individuals with I/DD pursue the life they desire and get the supports
and services they need
* Protect their rights and advocate for them
* Support a person-centered planning process
* Ensure access to culturally competent services
* Facilitate opportunities for the inclusion of family and natural supports
* Promote self-direction as a vehicle for greater choice, empowerment, and living
& working in integrated community settings
Overall, CDNY will provide a system of care that provides enriched services and is driven by individual, family and provider input including a Care Manager who works for you!