WTS Tax Service Austria Revenue and Competitors
Estimated Revenue & Valuation
- WTS Tax Service Austria's estimated annual revenue is currently $880k per year.
- WTS Tax Service Austria's estimated revenue per employee is $110,000
Employee Data
- WTS Tax Service Austria has 8 Employees.
- WTS Tax Service Austria grew their employee count by 0% last year.
WTS Tax Service Austria's People
Name | Title | Email/Phone |
WTS Tax Service Austria Competitors & AlternativesAdd Company
Competitor Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding | Valuation |
#1 | $34.6M | 143 | 40% | N/A | N/A |
#2 | $35.3M | 146 | 26% | N/A | N/A |
#3 | $18.5M | 84 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
#4 | $3.2M | 21 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
#5 | $4M | 26 | 13% | N/A | N/A |
#6 | $0.9M | 8 | 0% | N/A | N/A |
#7 | $0.2M | 2 | 0% | N/A | N/A |
#8 | $21.8M | 99 | 8% | N/A | N/A |
#9 | $100.9M | 367 | 5% | N/A | N/A |
#10 | $22.2M | 101 | 3% | N/A | N/A |
What Is WTS Tax Service Austria?
WTS Österreich ist eine global agierende Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mit angrenzender Rechtsberatung. Neben den nationalen Rechtsordnungen sind aufgrund der zunehmenden Internationalisierung auch die internationalen Rahmenbedingungen zu berücksichtigen. WTS Österreich ist Mitglied des Steuerberaternetzwerkes WTS Global. Durch den aktiven Austausch mit den in mehr als 130 Ländern vertretenen Partnerfirmen können wir internationale Trends rasch antizipieren und erarbeiten effiziente grenzüberschreitende Lösungen. Dabei steht das ganzheitliche und gestaltende (steuerrechtliche und wirtschaftliche) Optimierungspotenzial unserer Klienten im Vordergrund.
Total Funding
Number of Employees
Revenue (est)
Employee Growth %
WTS Tax Service Austria News
The tax office in Austria was of another opinion, based on a specific Austrian VAT guideline. Since Titanium disagreed with the Austrian tax...
Company Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding |
#1 | $0.7M | 8 | 0% | N/A |
#2 | $0.6M | 8 | N/A | N/A |
#3 | $1.2M | 9 | -10% | N/A |
#4 | $1.2M | 9 | -10% | N/A |
#5 | $0.9M | 10 | -17% | N/A |