Mabry Management Company, Inc. is composed of a core of licensed real estate professionals who specialize in property management. This core is supported by secretarial and accounting personnel who make it possible to offer a full range of management services. We have a full time staff of seventeen (17) people headed by a Certified Property Manager (CPM), and Real Estate Broker.
We are a medium sized company that can offer the services of a large organization, but still small enough that we can communicate on a personal basis with our clients. Our current portfolio of management property includes over 3,000 units of apartments and office/commercial. We have the expertise to handle sales and/or exchanges for our clients as the need arises.
Professional property management means we receive our income from the fees we charge for managing property. We are not interrupted by other business interests, but can concentrate our efforts on property management. Through our experience of managing hundreds of properties over the years, we have developed a management plan that we have found to be successful. Our expertise allows us to recognize problems and problem areas before they become major concerns and to take necessary corrective action.