Enigma, a New York-based Data-as-a-Service company, transforms disparate, tabular data into rich representations of real-world relationships, providing a trusted source of intelligence about people, places and companies. From evaluating insurance risk to combating money laundering, Enigma connects and enriches clients’ internal data assets to transform their strategies and workflows. Leading organizations, including American Express, BB&T, EMD Millipore, Celgene and Merck depend on Enigma to power the daily decisions that matter. Enigma was the winner of the TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2013 and a graduate of the 2014 FinTech Innovation Lab. We are hiring, please visit www.enigma.com/careers for more information. You can also follow us on Twitter @enigma_data and visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/enigma.data. Awards: -Forbes Fintech 50 2018 -TechCrunch Disrupt NYC 2013 Startup Battlefield Winner -Dataconnexions Paris 2013 B2B Category Winner For more information please visit the press page on our website.