Factory Berlin is a membership organisation that offers a variety of products and programs for individuals, startups, and corporates in tech, digital innovation and entrepreneurship. In exchange for a monthly fee, members have access to workspace in two locations in Berlin, 400 social and educational events a year, entrepreneurship and creative mentorship programs, and online and offline networking activities. Factory Berlin creates partnerships with global organisations like Google and McKinsey, giving startups access to resources that help their businesses grow. Factory Berlin also offers event management services. Impressum: Factory Works GmbH Rheinsberger Str. 76/77 10115 Berlin Germany CEOs: Nico Gramenz & Martin Eyerer Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 139400 B USt-ID: DE282120749 Phone: +49 30 20008140 Email: contact@factoryberlin.com