LIFELENZ is a rapidly growing, Series-A stage team of 40+ mathematicians, engineers, designers and computer scientists based in the US and Australia in stealth mode building a machine learning based advanced analytics platform for the liquid workforce. We have built and maintained over 20+ platforms over a 19 year period. We have won many awards for client delivery and collectively contributed to over 100+ global patents for complex software platforms. Our Founder has built three companies, achieving two highly successful exits. LIFELENZ is next.
LIFELENZ is an automated platform solving challenges related to sales and labor forecasting, optimized scheduling, communications and real-time shift running. The solution is aimed at the future workforce and initially at industries with a large number of part-time workers, hourly/shift workers and contractors. We have existing clients in Quick Service Restaurants, Casual Dining, Retail and Manufacturing and we're now also working with Hospitals & Hospitality companies. The long-term vision of LIFELENZ is to create a more efficient market for the future workforce. We are on the path to 2M signed-up users by end of 2019.