TCI Group is a CanaÂdian comÂpany speÂcialÂized in the conÂstrucÂtion, manÂageÂment and mainÂteÂnance of netÂwork inÂfraÂstrucÂtures, inÂcludÂing elecÂtriÂcal, teleÂphone, sigÂnage cable, wind turÂbine, and street lightÂing netÂworks. \r\n\r\nTCI is a group of inÂteÂgrated serÂvices comÂpaÂnies that pooled their exÂperÂtise to beÂcome the proud builders of today’s enÂergy and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions netÂworks – for a betÂter toÂmorÂrow. \r\n\r\n* Construction and maintenance of electric power and telecommunication transmission lines\r\n* The construction of power plants and electrical substations;\r\n* The construction of underground structures\r\n* Installation of Poles and anchors\r\n* Directional drilling\r\n* Installation and the testing of optical fibre\r\n* Street lighting\r\n* Construction and installation of cable and telephony networks