Beatport is the trusted home of the global electronic music community a place where fans, DJs, and creators alike can connect, discover, and participate in the evolution of electronic music culture (EMC). Our mission is to bring the life-changing experience of electronic music to the world in every form imaginable. That includes streaming music to enjoy or downloading music to perform, attending festivals and events both in person and online, connecting with like-minded fans and inspirational artists, and reading news, reviews, and insider access. Taken together, Beatport offers a complete music experience for everyone, everywhere.
Founded in 2004 as the principal source of music for DJs, Beatport today attracts an audience of more than 50 million unique visitors a year consisting of DJs, producers, and their fans. Beatport is based in Denver, CO, with offices in New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin. The company is a subsidiary of SFX Entertainment (traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol SFXE). Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @beatport.