Simone Young Email

Director, Head Construction . Davidson Chalmers Stewart

Current Roles

Davidson Chalmers Stewart – Lawyers. For Business. We provide clear, practical and commercial legal advice for businesses, large and small, across Scotland and beyond. With an unwavering commitment to client service, Davidson Chalmers Stewart delivers a full range of pragmatic and commercially focused legal advice across a number of key sectors in the Scottish economy from offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Galashiels. Our delivery of commercially realistic business advice offers exceptional value-for-money. This approach attracts a wide variety of clients, ranging from entrepreneurs and business start-ups to established Scottish owner managed business to banks, major national developers and house builders, retailers, energy companies, landowners and professional service firms. With a worldwide reach through our partners in the Globalaw legal network (, we offer clients a range of international advice through law firms we know and trust. We deal with challenging business issues across a wide variety of market sectors including Residential and Commercial Development, Environmental, Waste and Renewables, Entrepreneurs and Business Start-Ups, Retail, Leisure, Health and Well Being, Family Owned Businesses and Rural Property and Development. Davidson Chalmers Stewart is the only Scottish firm recognised as experts in the highly specialised field of medical partnerships by the Chambers Guide to the UK Legal Profession. For further information about the firm and the commercial law services we deliver, or to register for our latest market news and updates, please visit Or call us on 0131-625-9191.
Davidson Chalmers Stewart Address
12 Hope Street
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