The joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, we are the development partners for small business export success in developing countries. ITC enables small business export success in developing countries by providing, with partners, sustainable and inclusive trade development solutions to the private sector, trade support institutions and policymakers. Enterprises: Strengthen the international competitiveness of enterprises Trade support institutions: Develop the capacity of trade service providers to support businesses. Policymakers: Support policymakers in integrating the business sector into the global economy. Our services are delivered through five complementary business services: business and trade policy, export strategy, strengthening trade support institutions, trade intelligence and exporter competitiveness. Through strategic development and capacity building based on these business services, ITC connects opportunities to markets. As a result, we achieve long-term, tangible benefits at both national and community levels. Building awareness and improving availability of trade intelligence, Strengthening TSIs, Enhancing policies for the benefit of exporting enterprises, Building the export capacity of enterprises., Mainstream inclusiveness and sustainability.