We're overloaded with information, yet hungry for guidance. We want things fast, yet yearn to slow down. We're digitally connected, but it's getting harder to be heard. Milieu exists to advance the collective wisdom. We help get people closer to the truth, by going beyond the superficial. We make human understanding effortless by bridging the divide between those who hope to be heard, and those who wish to listen. We shed light on the daily lives, hopes and fears of the populace to help startups, enterprises, institutions and governments make transformative decisions, from product-testing to policy-shaping decisions. Unlike the ‘old guard' of market research, Milieu delivers supersonic insights by collecting the opinions of ordinary people and rewarding them for their contributions. We leverage cutting-edge technology and award-winning experience design to make human understanding effortless. Get the big picture Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MilieuInsight/ Email: info@mili.eu