Oklahoma Policy Institute (OK Policy) is a non-partisan independent policy think-tank. It was launched in early 2008, growing out of work that had previously been conducted by the public policy department of Community Action Project of Tulsa County.
Our Mission: OK Policy advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.
Affiliations: In our efforts to promote equitable, responsible, and sustainable fiscal and economic policies, OK Policy collaborates with national networks of state-level policy research organizations, including but not limited to the State Priorities Partnership, http://statepriorities.org/, the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) https://earn.us/, and KIDS COUNT,https://datacenter.kidscount.org/data#OK. We also play a leading role in Together Oklahoma, a nonpartisan coalition of businesses, organizations, and citizens coming together to advocate for responsible budget and tax policies.