My name is Shawn Vest and I am the sole owner of Vest Technical Solutions. I am 100% hands on for every project and I have your specific business needs as my top priority. I am an all in one shop, which means when you talk to the sales person, you are talking to the PM, Developer, Trainer… you get the idea. There is no gap in communication between these roles, which you tend to have in larger consulting firms. You also have a one man shop with very little overhead who can beat larger consulting shops. If you need a job done, no matter if you think you have the budget or not, please contact me. I will likely be able to assist in ways your business never thought possible. I specialize in assisting the non-profits and small businesses that don’t have the budget to hire a consulting firm to implement these type of solutions. I also have a lot of experience with the medium size for profit businesses as well. I list Microsoft as a primary area, but I have experience and expertise in other technologies. Contact me with any help that you need and I will let you know if I can assist. If I can’t I have a huge network and I can recommend a good partner for your specific need. I can work on a project basis and I also work as a managed service on annual contracts. I offer some great incentives for hiring as a managed service.