If an accident were to happen in the backcountry, would you be ready NOLS Wilderness Medicine is here to help you build the skills to step forward and take charge in an emergency situation.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality education and information for the recognition, treatment, and prevention of wilderness emergencies. NOLS Wilderness Medicine offers courses all over the world, to make getting trained convenient. Choose from our wide range of courses tailored to meet your needs, whether you're a novice or a medical professional.
Our seasoned, professional instructors are experts in wilderness medicine education with extensive experience in backcountry travel and patient care. You'll be engaged from day one with educators who have a lifetime of experience as professional outdoor educators, urban EMS providers, remote researchers, and military special operators. Our educators know what it feels like to make tough decisions in remote places because they've been there, and they'll ensure you walk away from your course with the best education possible.
Take the lead with the leader in wilderness medicine education, and embark on your next adventure with the confidence and knowledge to act in case of an emergency.
NOLS Wilderness Medicine Address
284 Lincoln St. Lander, WY United States
NOLS Wilderness Medicine Email
Past Companies
NOLS Wilderness MedicineStaffing and Development Coordinator
NOLS Wilderness Medicine Institute (WMI)Instructor