g11n is a global provider of language services. Our services help enterprises reach audiences around the world efficiently using the platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process in more than 112 languages.
eCertify is a customizable cloud based assessment platform that allows companies to measure and track the language skills of job applicants.
Global Launch: Our experts come from all over the world and represent more than 32 nationalities, Providing guidance to companies looking to reach an international audience and expand operations abroad.
Ezyi18n is a smart internationalization plugin for Eclipse IDE Java that translates, runs UI & Layout tests and provides a list of UI & Layout issues in each language, eliminating localization bugs at the development stage.
Globalyst is a real-time web applications localization enabler that helps in translating and automates UI & Layout testing.
Consulting: We provide our clients highly qualified consultants to augment their team the full gamut of software & marketing services including localization, testing and internet /social media marketing.
Global Product Launch Consulting Localization Internet and Social Media Marketing
For further information about g11n, please contact us at 770-817-7577 or info@g11n.com or visit our website www.g11n.com