Our Mission: Arts Council Santa Cruz County generates creativity, vibrancy, and connection.
Our Vision: A stronger Santa Cruz County, where creative expression thrives and the arts are integral to all aspects of our diverse community.
What We Do:
-Provide funds and support services to artists and arts organizations.
-Support a wide range of arts education opportunities.
-Advocate for ongoing support for the arts.
-Lead community collaborations and partnerships.
-Communicate both the intrinsic and economic value of the arts.
How We Do It:
Open Studios Art Tour: One of the most popular annual arts events in Santa Cruz County. For nearly three decades, we’ve connected artists to the community through this flagship program.
Grants: Investing in artists and their professional development, as well as arts organizations and their creative and cultural programs.
Arts Education: The SPECTRA & Mariposa Arts programs provide arts education in public schools, serving more than 17,000 youth each year.
Technical Assistance & Workforce Development: Supporting and developing the creative sector through Arts Council Associates, Exhibitions, Workshops, and Fiscal Sponsorships.
Collaborations & Initiatives: Advancing arts and culture county-wide through advocacy, cultural tourism initiatives, the naming and promotion of a Poet Laureate and much more.