Threads is pioneering the best luxury shopping experience in the world. We inspire our highly-engaged social media community through beautiful content featuring the latest, most desirable luxury items. We talk to our loyal clients directly via chat-based media to place orders; these can then be sent anywhere in the world ? fast. In short, we?ve closed the online-offline shopping loop and we?re changing how people buy luxury fashion.
At the forefront of a revolution in chat commerce, Threads is scaling fast, with technology very much at the heart of our next phrase of growth. By harnessing social networks and providing a unique personal shopping experience, we're building a data led platform and we're looking for experienced technologists to deliver our future roadmap.
Tech City UK named us a Future Fifty business, one of the UK?s fastest growing and most disruptive digital tech companies in 2017, and we have been recognised in 2019 for the third consecutive year in The Sunday Times Tech Track 100 list of the fastest growing tech companies in Britain.