The Transtec Group is a pavement engineering firm. Over the past 20 years, Transtec has completed over 700 projects in pavement engineering worth more than $50 billion throughout the US and in a dozen nations on five continents. We are also hiring! Transtec is also certified as a DBE, MBE, SDB, and minority-owned small business. At Transtec, we have a passion for pavements. We help teams engineer pavements that cost less to construct, increase performance, and surpass the competition. We've won global awards for pavement innovations that have become practical, implementable technologies used by contractors and agencies worldwide. Transtec delivers exceptional engineering in planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation of pavement facilities. We provide expertise in pavement surface characteristics, including pavement smoothness, texture, friction, rolling resistance, and tire-pavement noise. We develop software that improves engineering and construction, including ProVAL and HIPERPAV. Because we are a small firm of highly specialized pavement engineers, we respond quickly with exceptional quality, and that has made Transtec a global leader in pavements. See our website for more information about job openings! Follow us on Twitter @TranstecGroup