We hedge our bets on the most thrifty, resourceful, creative, and disruptive class amongst us: entrepreneurs. Our mission is to drive resources into and break down barriers for entrepreneurs solving BFPs.* We run boutique gatherings centered around scaling the most effective growth-stage entrepreneurs of our time who are positioned to solve seemingly intractable societal challenges, we see our greatest asset as the relationships we hold within our private global network, we pride ourselves in being an entrepreneur-centric investment fund, and we strive to push the envelope on what is possible with our creative media house. Ultimately though, our reason for existence is to play our part (no matter how small or large) in helping to bend history in the right direction.
*BFPs is an acronym that stands for 'Big F**king Problems'. Example BFPs are that 757 million people are illiterate and can't read this sentence or that 250 million adolescent girls currently live on less than $2 a day...etc. We strive to put BFPs where they belong... in a museum.