Reuben Richards Email

Chairman . Cyber adAPT

Dallas, TX



Current Roles

Cyber adAPT offers a leading network threat detection platform (NTD) to the enterprise and ODM/OEM markets. Utilizing its patented software technology, Cyber adAPT NTD allows customers to inspect, detect and respond to real-time network threats including:\n\n- Ransomware\n- Network Trojan\n- Unauthorized Privilege\n- Network Exploitation Activities\n- Command & Control Communications\n- Network Bot Communications\n\nThe NTD platform further provides customers immediate contextual information that categorizes the risk and urgency of a threat thereby allowing security teams to respond immediately to effectively and efficiently remediate attacks. The NTD platform is updated automatically and continuously with the latest Cyber adAPT threat intelligence and passively watches network traffic, 24/7/365 -- without impacting latency, throughput or performance of the network(s) being secured.\n\nCyber adAPT NTD is a powerful tool in the arsenal of its customers to proactively reduce network cyber risks in a thorough and cost-effective manner.\n\nPlease contact us if you would like to learn more.
Cyber adAPT Address
14755 Preston Road, Suite 405
Dallas, TX
United States
Cyber adAPT Email

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