Since 1982, the Ounce of Prevention Fund has persistently pursued a single goal: that all American children - particularly those born into poverty - have quality early childhood experiences in the crucial first five years of life.
Children born into poverty begin life with the odds stacked against them. That's not just unfortunate for them. It's a problem for all of us - one that can and must be solved.
The Ounce is demonstrating effective solutions every day. Our work is anchored in a growing body of scientific evidence about early brain development. We use private dollars to apply that science in developing innovative programs, and then leverage public funding to support their implementation and replication.
Our mission statement: The Ounce of Prevention Fund works to ensure that all children, particularly those in poverty, have quality early childhood experiences from birth to age five.
Ounce of Prevention Fund Address
33 West Monroe Street Suite 2400 Chicago, IL United States