It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Miami-Dade Public Library System. With 48 branch locations and four bookmobiles, our library system aims to reach every resident of Miami-Dade County. We proudly serve more than seven million visitors each year and our patrons have access to a collection of more than 3.8 million books and materials, 1735 public computers, 120 Self-Checkout machines, Wi-Fi at every location, and a wide range of digital resources, including downloadable e-books, audio books, music and videos. We offer over 150 databases, covering areas such as health, biography, psychology, science and technology, and travel and careers, and we provide more than one thousand literary, cultural and educational programs each month. With a dedicated and knowledgeable staff and the support of our Library Foundation, Friends of the Library and elected officials, the Miami-Dade Public Library System continues to be a leader in its class. This effort earned us the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Services, the nation's highest honor for museums and libraries. I encourage you to take advantage of all that our library system has to offer and thank you for visiting our website.