We improve energy and operating efficiency of electric-powered industrial machines by offering an end-to-end hardware/ software solution that enables manufacturers and end-users to remotely monitor performance of their machines in real time. Elmodis was founded by an experienced team of engineers that had worked for more than 15 years for European industrial customers in the areas of machine monitoring and diagnostics, predictive maintenance and energy efficiency. During the course of that work the team developed a novel way of machine monitoring based only on measuring current and voltage from electric engines powering those machines. One thing that all those machines have in common are electric motors that power them. Unlike existing solutions (based on measurements of vibrations and temperature), by taking measurements of voltage and current that flows through the whole machine, Elmodis can calculate hundreds of important parameters in realÂtime to give clients detailed and useful information about performance and state of their machines. Using data provided by Elmodis, machine manufacturers (OEMs) can reduce warranty repair costs and ultimately build better products. Industrial endÂusers can optimize their energy consumption and prevent failures from incorrect usage. If a machine was like a human body, Elmodis would be like a doctor with access to 24/7 blood test, with other doctors limited to using only stethoscopes.