Wematter's goal is to make things smarter, globally. This comes from our ambition to make locally produced products possible. We believe that product-owning companies should manufacture the product where the customer is located and not where the factory happens to be. With 3D-printing technology we use only the amount of material needed and minimal transport. We bring together the best pioneers delivering desirable great technology. We make it possible with our proprietary laser-powered 3D-printer, our cloud service and our unique business concept; to rent 3D-printers, not sell them. With our technology, we can deliver stronger 3D-printing in plastic composite than anything else on the market today. We can let the customer focus on developing successful products and we can monitor and optimize the 3D-prints through our cloud service. We develop and produce an easy to use ecosystem for additive manufacturing of functional and durable components. The Wematter offering consists of both hardware and software products for a complete SLS 3D-printing platform. We also have the know-how of materials and the printing process in order to provide our customers with adapted solutions for their needs.