Worldwide Leader in Decontamination Zyme-Flow Decon Technology is the worldwide leader in hydrocarbon decontamination for safe and fast vessel entry. The dynamic range of ZymeFlow chemistries and service applications are recognized as the global standard for complete decontamination in refining and petrochemical plants. Using a single chemistry, the patented Zyme-Flow Process simultaneously eliminates pyrophoric iron sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, LEL's, and benzene from process units. Using the Vapour-Phase® process, decontamination time is typically 8-12 hours saving customers valuable time during a turnaround. Zyme-Flow Decon Technology chemistry also meets the most stringent environmental and personnel safety standards on the globe. Non-toxic, non-hazardous, and biodegradable, Zyme-Flow's chemistry is safe for people, plant equipment, and the environment. Additionally, there is no negative impact on wastewater, no volatile compounds, and no flammability concerns. Zyme-Flow also offers detailed planning, training, engineering support, technical advice, lab analysis, and post job reports. Zyme-Flow Decon Technology is an affiliate under TriStar Global Energy Solutions.
ZymeFlow Decon Technology Address
12600 N. Featherwood Dr. Ste.330 Houston, TX United States