ENGINE (engine.net), The leading Omni-Analytics and Data Science Software Business servicing the Walmart Supplier Community, has launched! Founded by industry veterans Nick Dozier (CEO) and Pat Lockridge (COO), ENGINE, formerly known as DSCI Decision Science, was built from the ground up to rapidly accelerate the Analytical and Data Science capabilities of Leading Consumer Packaged Goods companies in the Walmart community. \n \nThe suite of products continues to expand, including Reporting/Visualizations, Automated Data Synthesizing, Assortment/Clustering, Forecasting, A/B Testing, ML/AI Modeling, Syndicated Analysis, eCommerce Capabilities, Decision Science as a Service, (coming soon) Revolutionary new Data App Platform, and many others. A large library of Walmart (Retail Link, Luminate) content is available inside ENGINE, as well as integration with syndicated datasets by Nielsen, IRI, and others.