Founded in 1994, SuccessEd is an innovative educational software provider that puts time-saving data management tools in the hands of educators. SuccessEd helps educators track compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, Dyslexia, RtI, Medicaid, and ELL, Medicaid.
SuccessEd combines the latest in technology with expert knowledge and experience. Use of our programs results in actionable data that enables continuous review of the effectiveness of implemented strategies, accommodations, and methodologies, thereby creating opportunities for every student to be successful.
Our products are made for educators by educators. SuccessEd is Texas' leader in Special Education Information Management with districts throughout Texas currently using our system.
Schedule a demo today to experience the new SE Manager, SE 504, ELL, and SE RTI (Succeed). Contact Rolando Ocanas, VP Sales at 214-613-1546, Option 1 or by e-mail at
SuccessEd Address
2100 McKinney Ave. Suite 1501 Dallas, TX United States