Anglicare is a non-for-profit organisation providing a wide range of human services including support for people living with disability, including NDIS supports; community and in-home aged care; support for people at risk of homelessness; and a wide range of other community programs.
Anglicare has operated in Tasmania for over 30 years and has enjoyed continued growth.
Our mission:
In response to the Christian faith, Anglicare strives to achieve social justice and provide the opportunity for people in need to reach fullness of life.
Our values:
Compassion, Hope, Respect and Justice
What we believe:
• All people are to be treated justly, accorded dignity and respect and are to have their basic rights protected.
• Where there is division and conflict, we should work to heal brokenness and reconcile differences.
• Each person has the capacity to make and to bear the responsibility for choices and decisions about their life.
• Those who provide and those who use services share a common humanity, calling forth compassion for each other’s distress and hope for each other’s future. Working with people in need demands a spirit of humility, free from blaming or judging.
• Every person has the potential to live life abundantly.