Young Audiences Arts for Learning is the nation's largest arts-in-education network, serving more than 5 million young people each year.
The National Office of Young Audiences Arts for Learning helps the broad network of Young Audiences affiliates play a decisive role in all young people’s education and development. Young Audiences envisions a future in which the nation’s children and youth will have the opportunity to engage in quality arts learning experiences that nurture creativity, build cultural understanding and enhance the development of their learning and life skills.
Young Audiences Arts for Learning is an association of affiliated organizations that are each dedicated to local education and community development. The YA network collectively works together to impact arts in education practices and policies on a national level.
Young Audiences advocates for the YA network and the arts-in-education field, coordinating national advocacy efforts through a National Young Audiences Week every spring.
Young Audiences connects exceptional teaching artists with teachers to provide in-depth arts residencies that raise academic and artistic achievement, while enhancing and developing learning skills that translate across curriculums.