Secure Banking Solutions is the consulting spin-off from the National Center for Bank Security at Dakota State University, a federally sponsored center for information security and the only center in the country dedicated to banking information security! Dr. Kevin Streff is the Director for the Center and also the founder and owner of SBS. SBS offers comprehensive information security consulting to community banks. SBS is the general contractor helping banks design and build their information security program. Other firms act like subcontractors taking on only pieces (e.g., IT audit, penetration testing, etc.). However, SBS takes responsibility for ensuring that banks develop and implement strong information security programs. The SBS goal is to bring strategic guidance to equip client banks to build their information security programs. We aim to fill the void on the bank management team where no one has IT security expertise. SBS understands that each bank is unique, but all banks desire to maintain and grow market share and serve their customers. Technology is an important factor in accomplishing those two objectives. As a bank uses technology to meet its own unique personality and market, information security becomes increasingly important. Numerous high-profile information data thefts over the last year highlight how vital our country views this area. SBS takes the time to get to know the management teams of client banks and how those teams seek to use technology to meet their marketplace needs. At the same time, SBS understands that having successful IT examinations from the bank's regulators is very important. These two needs guide our efforts. SBS assigns a team of consultants to each bank headed by a lead consultant. When the team makes recommendations to management, they do it with an understanding of the bank's culture and personality.