We are Stuart Olson. An integrated solutions provider serving the Canadian construction and industrial services market. A $1 billion+ organization with a rich history over one hundred years in the making. A company recognized for its unique approach to doing business and a team who understands the connection between a positive journey and exceptional results.\r\n\r\nStuart Olson is the trusted partner to the public, private and industrial construction industries. We deliver confidence through a client-centered process that ensures the highest quality of service, reduces risk and delivers results. As a trusted advisor, we build our clients’ reputations through turnkey solutions tailored to enhance the specific vision of a given project.\r\n\r\nStuart Olson’s integrated solutions redefine the potential for success, lower the total cost of engagement, and provide the peace of mind our clients have come to expect. Exceeding expectations throughout the lifecycle of a given project is the hallmark of our brand. It’s our motivation and the reason we exist.