98% of Cases Dont Go to Trial
Are you hiring only trial lawyers
Or are you hiring lawyers who, while always ready for trial, also possess a unique skill set and proven track record to negotiate and close cases quickly Do your lawyers focus on early resolution, or unnecessarily prepare each case as if it were going to trial Are you measuring your lawyers by anecdotal evidence war stories and personality or using objective metrics like average case duration and average legal spend per case to ensure they are creatively and aggressively resolving cases early Are you hiring lawyers who quietly and quickly settle the many, and loudly try the few
All lawyers are not created equal. Learn how Disruptive Lawyers achieve unexpected results.
Practice areas include:
Automotive Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Contingent Fee Litigation/Subrogation Recovery
Employment Law
Food Contamination/Adulteration
Governmental / Civil Rights Law
Insurance Coverage Disputes / Bad Faith Claims
Premises / Product / Professional Liability
Litigation / Project Management
Trucking Litigation
Cruser Mitchell Novitz Sanchez Gaston and Zimet Address
Cruser, Mitchell, Novitz, Sanchez, Gaston & Z Norcross, GA United States
Cruser Mitchell Novitz Sanchez Gaston and Zimet Email