The Porter House KC focuses on two primary groups in underserved populations: Individuals interested in starting a business, Start-up’s & New Product Launchers Existing Small Businesses that are between 0 - 2 years old. Who are the entrepreneurs we serve? Our entrepreneurs are in the urban community and are primarily minority individuals seeking the knowledge, support, and skillset to start, grow, or transition their businesses to the next level. These entrepreneurs include individuals looking to start a business and established businesses launching new products. This segment can rarely afford the cost of starting a business let alone a standalone facility, the resources needed to sustain a business or the general education needed for business creation or development. We believe this is an overlooked market segment to which we can provide an invaluable service. In addition to new, or start-up businesses, our entrepreneurial population includes existing businesses 0-2 years old, that have achieved some limited success and are planning to expand their operations. Our organization is designed to provide these companies with a focused approach that is a response to unique client demands, assisting them in achieving their future goals.