Transfer pricing remains one of the biggest issues facing multinational corporations today. To serve companies who are reluctant to bring the compliance process in-house, CrossBorder Solutions brings 20+ years of experience and zero penalties incurred to the table. Our economists, lawyers, and transfer pricing experts are ready and waiting to help you produce the documentation you need to protect your company from penalties on a worldwide basis.
Using technology is in the DNA of CrossBorder Solutions. Its founders developed the first commercial transfer pricing software solution. Taking the knowledge that we gained in working with 1000's of the world's largest companies, we are now applying it with MNCs who are looking for a more affordable outsourcing solution.
By employing powerful software, we are able to combine transfer pricing planning and compliance into one integrated solution that we call Profitable Compliance. Now companies can determine the optimal price to charge their related parties while simultaneously preparing the documentation required for worldwide penalty protection.
Call (646) 767-7342 or visit our website today to learn more.