Orange Coast Title is and will be the preeminent Underwritten Title Company in the Western United States. We will continually work to grow our organization by being the premier ABA (Affiliated Business Arrangement) partner for Real Estate professionals and by unparalleled service from our Lender Service Group and our Builder Services/Commercial Division. We will enhance and develop the tenet that Orange Coast Title is a "Sales Company" adhering to our "Customer is KING" and "Whatever it Takes" philosophies throughout our growing geographical footprint. Our creative decision-making will be driven by our "Commitment to Service since 1974", to Real Estate Consumers and the Professionals who serve them, a 33 year history of profitable operations and continuing to be the best place to work for "industry leading" Title/Escrow professionals. Core principles that include Truth, Commitment, Accountability, Personal Responsibility and Vision will guide us while we maintain a "bias for action".