National Electronic Attachment, Inc. (NEA) develops, markets and supports Internet-based solutions for the healthcare industry. We designed our systems to make insurance claim submission and processing as easy as possible for the patient, the healthcare office and the insurance carrier. As a result, NEA has developed the FastAttachTM system. As the country moves forward to the Electronic Health Record, NEA is working to make the records available to healthcare professionals who need the access to treat patients professionally. Records can easily be moved between general providers and specialists. FastAttachTM enables healthcare providers to transmit attachments in support of electronic claims to insurance carriers via the Internet. Attachments are also stored for the providers who desire this service. Attachments include: X-Rays, Lab Reports, EOBs, Narratives, OP Reports, Nurses notes, Doctors Notes, Perio-charts and any other document required to process a claim. In 2004, NEA's CEO Tom Hughes proclaimed, "In the healthcare industry when people think of attachments, they will think of NEA." Enter your promotion code here to find the best deal on NEA's services!
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100 Ashford Center North Dunwoody, GA United States