The mission of Concentric is to support students, families, and schools by identifying barriers that negatively impact education and providing resources and services to improve student outcomes. We provide tutoring, mentoring, and home visit services to increase student achievement. \n\nWe do this by focusing on our core services:\n\nHome Visits\nMentoring\nTutoring\nProfessional Development\n- School Culture and Climate\n- Student Support Services\nTechnical Assistance\n- Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)\n- Social & Emotional Learning\n\nWe do this by focusing on our core services:\n- Home Visit Framework\n- Mentoring and Tutoring\n- Professional Development \n- Technical Assistance\n\nThe vision of Concentric Educational Solutions is for all students to have access to the necessary support services and resources required for quality education.