Spectrum Health Hospice is a local, non-profit hospice program, providing compassionate, comforting care for individuals who are experiencing a life-limiting illness. Our hospice care and support is provided in private homes, long term care facilities, assisted living residences, adult foster care homes and in hospitals. We work diligently with your caregivers to ensure that you receive quality care in the setting you choose. Our on-call services are local with quick response times. Our service area includues Newaygo, Mecosta, Muskegon, Ottawa, Kent, Montcalm, Barry, Ionia and Allegan counties, including Spetrum Health Gerber Memorial, Big Rapids and Reed City hospitals. Spectrum Health Hospice serves people of all faiths and backgrounds within our service area, regardless of their ability to pay. We are available for patients and families 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Our spiritual care team specializes in addressing end of life issues and concerns and coordinates care with your faith community. When a cure is no longer the focus, we offer choices so you have control of your comfort, dignity, daily living, and important life decisions. Our programs can help you and your family through difficult times by managing pain, providing comfort and offering support and compassionSpectrum Health Address
100 Michigan St. NE
Grand Rapids, MI
United States