I am pleased to welcome you to the official website for the Clerk of the Circuit Court/Comptroller for Hillsborough County. If you are a regular user, you know that this site has been recently designed to enable you to access the information you need with more ease and speed. If you are new to this site, I hope that you’ll find that the Clerk’s Office is providing you with the records you need in a user friendly way. As a public official elected by the citizens of Hillsborough County, I take very seriously my responsibility to keep and protect the public records of this County, in compliance with the Florida Constitution, the Florida Statutes, administrative orders, county ordinances and county resolutions. I encourage you to explore our website and familiarize yourself with the services provided by our office. I welcome your e-mails for recommendations and suggestions. Please take the opportunity to express your thoughts or respond to me through my blog, FRANK TALK.