American Direct is a "business to business" building materials distribution company (primarily architectural doors, frames, hardware, interior finish products and bathroom specialties) to general contractors involved in the renovation, remodel and new construction of military housing and support facilities, lodging, retirement, and extended care facilities, private sector multi-family housing, national retail developments, mixed-use developments and other traditional commercial construction (schools, hospitals, office, warehouse development). The company works with regional and national commercial general contractors who have been awarded construction contracts in both the public and private sector and who are not limited in the geographic areas in which they work. American Direct meets these companies material supply and construction services needs in any geographic location buying from the manufacturer and facilitating “on-time”? delivery anywhere in the world. Defining "Value Add" "American Direct provides unmatched expertise in project management and coordination, specification design and consultation, procurement, engineering and logistics that allows our client to have a superior satisfaction experience when purchasing materials and services for commercial contract construction."