Kiwa Ltd is an energy consultancy, Notified Body, UKAS-accredited testing laboratory and training centre with expertise in gas, oil, solid fuel, renewable technologies, water and electricity.
Kiwa UK comprises five divisions, which combined provide a full suite of testing and certification services, an energy consultancy, and related training and assessment courses. They are: Kiwa Gastec, Kiwa Blackwood, Kiwa Watertec, Kiwa Agri Food and Kiwa CMT.
We have been at the forefront of the introduction of distributed energy technologies. Our involvement has ranged from advising DECC, Defra and BERR on policy options, to technical studies for the Carbon Trust and Energy Saving Trust. We have also been involved with many energy field trial data collection exercises, as data collection contractor, data auditor, and data analysis/reporting contractor.
Because of this work, we are at the forefront of understanding of microgeneration technologies and their application. We had a substantial technical input to the Carbon Trust's Biomass Heat Accelerator Programme.