Mentors International operates in developing countries, transforming the lives of individuals and families trapped in the generational cycle of poverty.
More than 3 billion people throughout the world live on less than $2.50 a day. For a small amount of pocket change, your donation can help transform generations of poverty into generations of sustainable self-reliance through mentoring, vocational training, and financial solutions.
We invite you to join us in our fundraising campaign #ChangeforGenerations, because every donation makes a life-changing difference.
Please join us on all of the Mentors International social media platforms; invite your friends to follow us; and share our posts. Together, we will make a difference!
Facebook: MentorsIntl
Instagram: @MentorsInternational
YouTube: MentorsInternational
Twitter: @Mentors
Pinterest: MentorsIntl
LinkedIn: Mentors-International