Lena Patterson Email

Program Director, Business Development and Microcredentials . Ryerson University - G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education

Current Roles

Ryerson University's G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada's foremost provider of university-based adult education, facilitating access to the University's renowned, professionally relevant courses and programs. Since 1975, we have been delivering leading-edge workplace knowledge that empowers learners to reach their personal and professional goals. We have approximately 70,000 annual enrollments (in 1,500 courses, seminars, and workshops) in Arts; Business; Communication and Design; Community Services; Engineering, Architecture, and Science; Gateway for International Professionals; Programs for 50+; and Spanning the Gaps – Access to Post-Secondary Education. We also offer 82 career-related certificate programs and numerous course series, with 22 certificate programs that can be completed entirely at a distance. Our flexible, accessible programming is available on campus, via distance education, and off-site for employee groups at leading organizations. The Chang School is located in the vibrant heart of downtown Toronto, Canada's largest city. Our offices are located in Heaslip House, 297 Victoria Street (one block east of Yonge Street, north of Dundas Street).
Ryerson University - G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Address

Toronto, ON
Ryerson University - G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Email

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