LionHeart In The Community (LITC) is a social enterprise providing community engagement through our One-Stop Shop model utilising work-based learning; skills and training; social inclusion; job brokerage; and outreach services to support disadvantaged communities in South London. Our aim is to assist anyone who comes through our doors, providing advice and support; training; employability; skills development; and work-related activities. LITC empowers our customers to re-engage and develop the skills they need to gain employment, return to education or training and to re-integrate into society. LITC encourages social inclusion through active volunteering, community and engagement programmes, bespoke support services and the chance to become involved in active activities. LITC's services incorporate: Welfare and Support Employability and Skills WorkBased Learning Social Brokerage and Advocacy Community Projects LITC provides an inclusive service to London's most disadvantaged comuunities. LITC delivers a comprehensive range of services: from benefits advice to apprenticeships, Jobsearch and CV development skills to Job brokerage. LITC delivers an extensive projects a diverse customer. LITC's services and programmes are designed to engage with London's local communities especially ‘hard to reach' groups such as Young People & NEETs; Ex-Offenders; BAME groups; customers with Disabilities; Over 50s, Lone Parents and Substance Misusers.