Agrecol Corporation, founded in 1991, combines the best principles of production agriculture with the science of ecology to produce the finest native prairie seed and plants. Late in 1995, the company focused its resources on the production of plant species native to the Midwest and Great Lakes Region of the U.S.
Agrecol quickly became a leader in the native seed industry, producing clean, germ-tested, source-certified seed sold as Pure Live Seed (PLS). Typical purities for grasses are 90%+ and for wildflowers are 95%+. Agrecol further conditions the seed to increase the bulk density and crease flow-ability through standard seeding equipment. Highly conditioned seed provides planting flexibility, uniformity and a greater success of establishment.
Today Agrecol is focused on the nursery production of native plants, currently growing seed live plants and vegetated mat for prairie, woodlands, wetlands and savanna plant communities. The native plants represent grasses, sedges, rushes and forbs. Forty-two new species are currently being added, including shrubs, ferns and the variety of plants found in the aquatic emergent zones of a water body.
Agrecol has more than 200 native ecotype species available to create diverse plant communities, installing native seed and plants onto lands where the goals are conservation, biodiversity and education. The Agrecol nursery generates more than 80,000 PLS pounds of native seed per year on 1,000 acres of prime agricultural land.