regory Simpson formed Simpson Unlimited, Inc. during July 1992. Prior to the organization of his own company, Mr. Simpson worked for over eleven (11) years as a construction & restoration superintendent and estimator. After a decade of providing quality workmanship, an impeccable safety record, hiring of top-notch management & supervisory personnel, and the employment of time management procedures, Mr. Simpson has built a “blanket” operation with an excellent reputation. The goals set for the company 1992 involved the establishment of a full service firm that specialized in all areas of commercial exterior restoration. Consequently, Simpson Unlimited offers the following services: Masonry Restoration, Concrete Repair & Replacement, SUI has amassed an impressive client list and is well known for its ability to perform difficult repairs, specialization in high-rise structural restorations, exceeding its customer expectations, and remaining within the clients' budget. Stone Replacement, Waterproofing, Sealant Application, Roofing, Specialty Coatings, Architectural Sheet Metal, Cleaning/Power Washing, Painting, and Window Replacement.