Ken Gorman Email

CEO . Power Wellness

Current Roles

Power Wellness Provides Comprehensive At-Risk Center Operations Services that Include:Accounting, Payroll Administration, and Financial Reporting Fitness and Wellness Programming Information Technology & Communication Systems Equipment Procurement and Preventative Maintenance Sales and Customer Service Environmental Services Integration of Hospital's Medical/Clinical Services with Fitness and Wellness Programming For Additional Information Contact Us Operational AnalysisPower serves healthcare, commercial, and educational clients wanting to improve the performance of their existing centers by delivering an analysis of the following center operational components within 60 days:Information Systems and Related Data Sales, Marketing, and Retention Competitive Facility Analysis Equipment Evaluation Facilities and Environmental Evaluation Programming, Massage, & Personal Training Financials For Additional Information Contact Us Corporate WellnessPower teams with local businesses and corporations to improve their employee health, fitness, and wellness using the medically integrated fitness and wellness center we operate as a venue. Our goal is to enroll local organizations' employees as center members, possibly with their employers subsidizing a portion of their membership rates. If applicable, we partner with local organizations to provide low-or-no cost on-site wellness programming to employees to improve their health, fitness, and wellness while attracting potential members to the center. We also collaborate with our partnering hospital's occupational health services department to offer pre-employment physicals, and executive health physical programs with the center providing services such as massage therapy, nutritional screening with metabolic analysis, health screenings, and other services. Corporations and businesses invest in wellness center memberships and programs providing customized fitness and wellness programming to their employees that enhances their health and ultimately produces employee benefits that include:Lower Absenteeism and Attrition Higher Morale, Productivity, and Retention Enhanced Cultural Connectivity and Increased Employee Loyalty Reduced Healthcare Costs and Health Insurance Premiums Reduced Workers' Compensation Claims Recruiting and Employee benefits/Incentives Leveraging For Additional Information Contact Us Healthcare Retail ImplementationThe comprehensive healthcare, fitness, and wellness services provided by Power's healthcare partners to their patients, center members, employees, and local community members are enhanced by the strategic marketing of healthcare retail products in the center. Power supports featuring the full array of hospital-branded products that are available to center consumers, including supplements, food, apparel, wigs, breast pumps, and other healthcare accessories that are compatible with the healthcare, fitness, and wellness programming provided in the centers that Power operates.
Power Wellness Address
296 Randall Rd
Lombard, IL
United States
Power Wellness Email

Past Companies

Power WellnessCEO
American College of Healthcare ExecutivesMember

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